Thursday 1 December 2011

today we caught up on the digital graphics because we lost out on a whole day yesterday because of the college being closed. as seen in my previous posts i had only partly finished my front of the game but now i have 95% finished my whole box art :).  as shown in my sketches of my box art i have changed pictures this is because my original idea didn't look right and i couldn't work out how to join two images together so i decided to get two commanders one from the chaos armies and one from the space marine armies. luckily i was able to find two decent images that are facing each other so it made my job easier. as shown in the images above the commander for the chaos is wearing black and gold and the space marines commander is wearing blue and yellow/gold colours. but in the box art image i have changed them. the chaos commander is now wearing black and green and the space marines commander is wearing purple and green. i have also added the requirements to the back of the box art and the disclaimer and also the companies logos that created the games.  i have also added screen shots of the games before and then  changed the colours so then it looks like a different game. i have added the main two phases of the game one said by the chaos and one by the imperial fist space marines. IF HE DIES HE DIES is said by the space marines and the Purge the weak is said by the chaos.

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